About the game / story line

Kingdom hearts is a game developed by Square Enix with major support from Disney, the first game was release March 28, 2002. The game is about a young boy called Sora and his friends that all live on an island together, until one day Sora starts having strange dreams about an object known as a keyblade. Then one night on their island they get attacked by creatures known as heartless, Sora has to summon the keyblade and defeat the heartless on the island, but he is to lade to save the island, he gets separated from his friends and falls into the darkness. He then wakes up in a world called traverse town where he learns of the Keyblade’s power and finds the kings servants, Donald and Goofy. The 3 of them then travel between the worlds defeating heartless and sealing the key holes of each world while looking for the king and Sora’s friends.
The heartless are creatures of darkness that are formed when someone’s heart gets taken over by the darkness, these creatures have 1 goal, which is to open the door to kingdom hearts and use its ultimate power. There are several ranks of heartless which start of at the bottom with “Shadow’s” these heartless are weak and do not contain a heart but they make up for this in sheer numbers. There are also stronger heartless which appear more as you progress through the game. There are also boss heartless these are usually found at the end of each world near the key hole.
The key hole
Each world that is visited by Sora has a thing called a key hole, the key hole is what the heartless are trying to find in each world so they can destroy it and bring it down into the darkness. As Sora goes around to each world he has to seal the key holes so that the heartless cannot take it over.
The keyblade
The keyblade is a very powerful weapon; its strength is determined by the power of the wielders heart. This weapon cannot be chosen the keyblade choses its wielder. As you progress through the game Sora gets more powerful Keyblade’s and they also have different designs.
The worlds
Each world in the game is based on a famous Disney movie with the exception of a few main worlds. An example of these are Tarzan, never land, Lillo and stich, the lion king and many more. Each of these worlds have been infested with heartless and its Sora’s job to visit each of these worlds and save them from the heartless.

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