Character info: Riku

Riku is Sora's best friend and has been since they were both small children. Riku was on the island with Sora and Kairi when it was attacked by the heartless, Riku turned to the darkness for its power and was approached by Maleficent (the leader of the heartless) who offered him ultimate power if he works for her for a short while. Maleficent then creates him a key-blade of darkness for him so he can steal peoples hears and also so he can fight Sora and eventually take his key-blade, Riku finds Kairi before Sora does and he takes her hostage but she is unconscious because her heart is with Sora and so Riku makes it his goal to retrieve her heart so she can be used to open kingdom hearts. Riku eventually snaps out of the trance that he is under from the darkness when Sora defeats him in a fight.

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